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Immigrate to South Africa

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Why Immigrate to South Africa?

South Africa  with its beautiful landscape makes it one of the best place to live and work. To meet their economic goals they are calling in for potential candidates to come and work in their country. South Africa provides multiple opportunities to skilled professional who can help in the development of their growing economy and are listed under the South Africa Critical Skills  required.


The Immigration  needs to have 16 years of education, also the current working occupation must be listed in the critical skilled list of South Africa. The detailed list is available at our website.

Visa validity

The South Africa Critical Skills Work Visa  will be valid over a period of 1 year to find yourself a suitable job

On getting a valid job offer letter, visa will be converted to work permit visa for a period of 5 years

After 5 years of open work visa you can apply for PR Visa

No need of a valid job offer letter

Call one of our consultants today to get all details regarding the program and your eligibility or send your resume to to get a free evaluation.